Thursday, 24 July 2008

Hawaii Here we Come

Well we will do.  I just think its the most fabulous place and I'd really like to visit... So I have a scheme

I've decided that the best way for me to motivate myself into dieting is to give myself a goal.  My goal is to loose... er yes well... rather a lot of weight.

I've broken that down into little goals but ultimately I've set myself a goal of getting to Hawaii

there is now a map on our lounge wall.  it has the distance from London to Hawaii marked, that's then divided by the number of pounds I need to loose.  So all in all I've lost enough weight to get to Lands End... I guess that this weeks weight loss is about taking that plunge into the Atlantic Ocean

Monday, 21 July 2008

Are You Sure Chocolate Isn't a Food Group

Its sad to say, but I think I may have found the reason for my absence in weight loss.  It appears that contrary to my hopes chocolate isn't a food group with a minimum daily recommendation. 

The weight is slowly beginning to shift after a month of exercise and no change in the weight.  that was so disappointing.  Going up to the gym three times a week and swimming... and the weight wasn't shifting. 

Although having said that because my posture is so much better I'm now an inch taller.  That takes me over the milestone of 5 foot... wooo hoo.  I've also dropped a clothes size and folks are beginning to notice the difference... which is such a good thing for my ego.

Anyway the holiday relax is beginning to make a difference.  I feel for the first time in ages that I actually want to make some beads... so that's a real difference.

Thanx for dropping in, hopefully there will some glassy goodies to look at soon


Wednesday, 16 July 2008

New Computer

Lets be honest there hasn't been much up here new.  But that's because I've not really made anything.

I'm currently off work deciding how I want to take the business forward.  The truth is that the wholesale order has been fantastic at providing a steady income.  Unfortunately it has used all my time to do the creative stuff.

Another one of the problems has been that the computer died.  Wot a pain in the butt.  It died from an error that was introduced when it was fixed and then permanently died literally the day after the guarantee expired.  So I'm now sitting here with a fab new computer.

Wot I will say is watch this space for faceted beads, enamel beads and glass jewellery.  I'm on holiday for the next two weeks so hopefully there will be something new and interesting to look at.

Thanx for dropping by
